Shopify APP - e-Commerce solution

E-commerce APP for Shopify Stores
Climate-friendly online shopping with one click.

Our Treellionaire soltuion is now available for your Shopify-Shop - quick and easy to integrate into the check-out process.

Plant trees automatically with just one click at check-out.

Doing good has never been so easy

With our APP Click4Carbon, you make environmental sustainability an integral part of your business. You can easily integrate the APP into your existing sales process, giving your customers the opportunity to support a tree planting project for as little as 1 CHF/EUR/USD. Your customers choose from 3 different contributions (1, 3 or 5 in a currency to be selected) and thus plant trees with one click. The contributions are automatically distributed among three foundations. Our reforestation partners are located in South America, Africa and Asia.

Why trees?

Trees are vital to all of us. They clean the water we drink, filter the air we breathe. They are the second largest natural CO2 sink on our planet and provide habitat for over 80% of the biodiversity on our planet.


  • customisable plug-in APP for Shopify e-commerce platform
  • Real-time tracking of planted trees
  • Currencies freely selectable, can be used worldwide
  • Customer receives a certificate

Click here to go to the Shopify App Store.

Schedule a Call Now.

A small selection of selected references and Shopify shops that plant trees with us

Be a part of our idea

Inform yourself at any time about the status of our project and actively help us to reach our goal.

Thank you very much for your support.

  • 22.67 % achieved
  • 226,699 trees planted
  • 1,000,000 objective
I plant the following number of trees
(one-time total amount incl. VAT)