
The 1 Million Tree Challenge

The 1 Million Tree Challenge is a project of carbon-connect AG. Together with our customers, we were able to plant more than 50,000 trees by October 2019. Now we want to reach 1 million reforested trees as soon as possible.


Simple solutions for a climate positive world.


We deliver simple, top quality solutions. The essential basis for the credibility of our activity is the immense trust of our customers as well as all of our project and business partners. We inspire our customers to take advantage of opportunities for more climate protection and CO2 compensation, which offers added value for all. With resources and nature, we cultivate meaningful and efficient interaction.

Make a statement now against deforestation and become a Treellionaire.

Every person can contribute to climate protection - actions instead of words!

How can everyone contribute to the global solution? Everyone can and should ask themselves questions in their daily work: To what extent do my products, my service, my actions and activities or my service provision contribute to a better tomorrow? at. How do my services and products help meet the sustainability goals of teh United Nations?

Are you ready to become part of the solution?

To compensate for the average annual CO2 footprint of 4.8 tonnes of CO2, every human being would have to plnat nearly 500 trees.

We make Treellionaires: you can support our project this way.

Become a Tree Ambassador

Become a Treellionaire and help spread the idea of the 1 Million Tree Challenge throughout your network.

Spread the word about your commitment

Spread the word about your commitment on social media platfomrs, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and CO. Tell your friends, realtives and business partners about the 1 Million Tree Challenge.

There is no better CSR measure than afforestation

Strengthen your contribution as a company and plant trees with us. Reforestation is the best and most meaningful CSR measure for companies. We are all challenged to strengthen the second largest natural carbon sink forest.

Sustainability goals of the United Nations

Reforestation creates jobs and fights poverty in developing countries and helps to meet the sustainability goals of the United Nations.

carbon-connect AG: Solutions for a smaller carbon footprint and a climate positive world.

carbon-connect AG is a provider of voluntary CO2 compensation measures. Our other Services include the compilation and calculation of carbon-footprints (Corporate Carbon Footprint, Product Carbon Footprint), preparation of eco-balances, (lLfe Cycle Assessments), calculation and preparation of comparative carbon balances, and the writing of Sustainability reports and social sponsoring. The four business units include B2C as well as B2B segments in the field of carbon neutrality and carbon neutral certification.


Schedule a call now, klick here.


Be a part of our idea

Inform yourself at any time about the status of our project and actively help us to reach our goal.

Thank you very much for your support.

  • 22.67 % achieved
  • 226,699 trees planted
  • 1,000,000 objective
I plant the following number of trees
(one-time total amount incl. VAT)